Project Description

Ol Donyo, Sabuk, Kenya

For the construction of the Seismometer – Tunnel at Ol Donyo Sabuk National Park, IRIS contracted Mines Microtunneling. For this project, IRIS was also working with the University of Nairobi. 

This tunnel had the following dimensions: a length of 50 meters, a width of 2 meters, and a height of 2.5 meters. The primary reason for constructing this tunnel was to insert a seismometer in order to monitor seismic activities. 

Minex completed this project within a period of 3 months as it implemented various techniques. The entire tunnel and the portal were stabilized using shotcreting with a thickness of 50mm and were finished with a concrete slab that had a 150mm thickness.

Project Details




Ol Donyo Sabuk National Park


Minex Microtunneling

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